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ENG 112: Adcock Historical Cause/Effect: Assignment Requirements

This Guide is designed to help you complete the Historical Cause or Effect Assignment.


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Ashley Sprouse

Please refer to your assignment sheet for complete assignment information. The research minimum requirements have been listed here for your convenience

This assignment has the following research requirements:

● To help choose a historical event to research, students should visit Today in History and choose a date that is personally significant to them (birthday, anniversary, etc.), and choose one of the events that occurred on that day.

● You will need to find six total sources (one primary, five secondary). Background / definition type sources do not count towards this six-source requirement. The annotated bibliography must include bibliographic citations for every source used. 

● The bibliography must include one primary source. A primary source is any document from a specific time period that is related to a person, event, or technology of that time. Primary sources can include, but aren’t limited to, letters, journals, interviews, speeches, government records, instruction manuals, etc.

●The essay must include five secondary sources. A secondary source is one that was created after the event or conditions that you are researching, written by someone who did not have first-hand experience with the event. For the purposes of historical research, secondary sources usually include books or scholarly articles, but they can also include videos and sound files. For this project, your five primary sources must meet the following requirements:

  • Secondary research can be scholarly, peer-reviewed journal articles, ebooks, documentaries (on DVD or from Films on Demand), hard copy books from the LRC stacks, NCLive, any other school-affiliated research database accessible through the LRC’s web site or MyCCCC portal, and/or through any college, university, or government institution website. All sources must pass the CRAAP test.
  • All secondary research sources must show the causes that made an event happen OR the effects of that event. IMPORTANT - we are writing about ONE cause or effect; if you are researching GeoCities’ influence on social media, all five of your sources must explain how GeoCities helped create social media as we know it today.
  •  All sources must be from history-type publications, but you will likely need to subject filters that include “history” + “economics/science/technology/etc.”
  • All sources must be recent. Begin by searching for sources published within the last year, then increase the date range as needed. No source can be older than ten years

●The bibliographic citations must be:

  • In APA style
  • Arranged in alphabetical order
  • Double-spaced with hanging indents and no extra spaces between citations and annotations