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Natural Sciences

This guide includes resources on biology, chemistry, physics, geology, animal studies, and more.

Research Tips: Books

Research using books can be much easier than you would think! 

Remember to use the Table of Contents and Index to quickly locate the information you are looking for. 

The books to the right have been hand-selected for this research guide. They are available for check-out in the Coastal Library. 

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Helpful Call Numbers

Call Number Subject
QH1 - 278.5

Natural History (General)

QH201 - 278.5 Microscopy

QH301 - 705.5

Biology (General)

QH359 - 425


QH426 - 470


QH471 - 489


QH501 - 531


QH540 - 549.5  


QH573 - 671


QH705 - 705.5

Economic biology

QM1 - 511

Human Anatomy (General)

QM531 - 549

Regional anatomy

QM550 - 577.8 

Human and comparative histology

QM601 - 695

Human embryology