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Search Term Suggestions

To cover the range of terminology used in the literature, you must also identify any synonyms or similar keywords for each concept.

Also consider:

  • Plurals, different word forms ( math vs mathematics vs arithmetic)
  • Different spellings (labour vs labor),
  • Hyphenated words (site-specific vs site specific)
  • Acronyms or Abbreviations  (18th-century vs eighteenth-century)

Recommended Databases for Mathematics

Learning Express Library

Practice tests, interactive tutorials, and ebooks
for students adult learners. Includes practices
tests such as GED, GRE, SAT, TEAS, and supports
those looking to improve core academic skills, pass
a high school equivalency test, prepare for college,
join the military, obtain occupational certification,
find a job, change careers, become a U.S. citizen
and much more.

Statista One of the world's largest statistics portals.
Over 1.5 million world-wide statistics along
with forecasting on 500 areas from 41 countries
over a 5 year period. Able to display statistics
as a graph and download and insert into
ProQuest ProQuest Central is the largest single periodical
resource available, bringing together complete
databases across all major subject areas including
culinary arts.
Computer Science Database by Proquest Scholarly journals, trade publications, and
consumer titles covering topics such as
artificial intelligence, automation, gaming,
graphics, networking, security, database
management, systems administration,
information science and hardware.

Click here to see all our databases

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