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Faculty and Staff Resources


Welcome to our Information Literacy Instruction Hub! 🚀

In a world flooded with information, navigating the seas of knowledge requires a compass. Our library's Information Literacy instruction is designed to equip your students with the essential skills needed for successful academic exploration!

Navigate with Confidence: Our sessions empower students to navigate databases, decipher scholarly articles, and effectively use search engines.

Cultivate Critical Thinkers: We foster critical thinking by teaching students to evaluate information sources, discern biases, and make informed decisions.

Research Mastery: From identifying credible sources to synthesizing information, our instruction ensures that students become adept researchers.

Digital Citizenship: We emphasize responsible use of information, promoting ethical practices and digital citizenship in an interconnected world.

We look forward to collaborating with our faculty to empower Coastal's students for success in academia and beyond.

Information Literacy Instruction


Instruction requests should be received at least two weeks in advance. The earlier you make your request, the more likely you are to get a time slot that works for you.

We offer multiple formats for instruction:

  • Information Literacy Lab (LRC 231)
  • Classroom Visit
  • Pre-recorded
  • Live Virtual

The average Information Literacy session lasts about 45 minutes--please let us know if you would like a longer session, or if you would like multiple sessions.

What to expect from an Information Literacy session:

  • Research Basics
  • Website overview
  • Introduction to OneSearch
  • Introduction to subject specific databases
  • How to evaluate sources
  • How to make research coach appointments

Library Orientation

Library Orientation is available for all students, faculty, and staff. It consists of a condensed Information Literacy session, focusing on familiarity with online library resources. In addition, it also provides a detailed library tour of the spaces and physical resources available. To book a Library Orientation, be sure to chose it in the drop down menu.

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