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HIS 111: Fickling Research Project

Step 3: due 2/20 or 2/21

  • Find Films on Demand in NC LIVE (select Video) or from the Database A to Z list (Choose "F" for films)
  • Find a video related to your topic
  • Watch the video + take notes
  • Write a 2 page summary and analysis that includes:
    • the citation (this can be the title, or find the citation at the bottom of the video) 
    • Summary: who made the video? What did you learn? Who is the intended audience? How was the video helpful? What are the benefits and limitations of this source? How does this add to what you learned from the encyclopedia assignment (Credo)? 

Tips + Tricks + Tools

  • Use Advanced Search
  • Type in topic AND theme
    • Ex: Persia AND art
  • The video may be a segment of a larger video
  • Use citation tool

Source: Seminole State Library

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