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Writing Resources: Writing Papers

Handouts created by the Writer's Center

Welcome to the Writing and Citation Guide! 

The Writer's Center is located on the second floor of the library in room LR 225. The tutors are English instructors who will work with you one-on-one to assist with any aspect of the writing process in any subject matter. 

The Library is located on the 2nd Floor of the Learning Resources Center (LRC). The Library is your campus resource for the research portion of your assignments, as well as many other things including books, movies, magazines, and study space.



The Writer’s Center is on the second floor of the LRC in room 225.

910.938.6354  |

Daytime Hours   |  Monday - Friday 9:00am - 3:00pm

Virtual Evening Hours  I  Monday - Thursday 5:00pm - 7:00pm

Make an Appointment


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