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ENG 111: Ketchum: Social Issues Essay 3

This guide will help student access resources specifically for Ketchum's Social Issues Research assignment

Opinion Sources

What is an opinion piece?

Editorials, letter to the editor, any article that includes "I think, feel, believe" or includes opinion statements. 

What section of my paper will include information from an opinion piece?

Answer: Position A, Position B, and Conclusion

Issues and Controversies database explores more than 800 hot topics in business, politics, government, education, and popular culture. This database is great for research papers and debate preparation.

Image result for ny times room for debate

Visit NY TIMES Room for Debate!

This site provides an overview of topics, opinion pieces, and expert viewpoints on various topics. Last updated 2017.

NY Times

Image result for nytimes editorials logo

Search NY Times Editorials for opinion pieces.

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