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Jobs and Careers


Different Interview Types

How To Ace A Phone Interview (Forbes)
A good résumé may no longer be enough to get you in the door. Increasingly companies or their outside recruiters want you to go through a telephone interview first. Read more...

10 Tips to Avoid Bombing Your Skype Interview (U.S. News)
More and more employers are conducting initial job interviews over Skype or other online video services, hoping to get a better feel for candidates than a phone conversation might allow. But interviewing well via video requires a whole different type of preparation than a more traditional phone screen does. Read more...

Industry Specific Interview Questions

Interview Questions Listed by Type of Job (The Balance)
In addition to the general interview questions applicants are typically asked at job interviews there are also job specific interview questions that candidates will be expected to answer. Read more...

10 Industries and Their Most Common Interview Questions (Dummies)
Here are ten industries and career fields, and the types of specific questions that are likely to come up when you interview for a job in each particular line of work. Read more...

Interview Q&A: What Do You Know About This Industry (LiveCareer)
No one wants to hire someone that does not know the intricacies of their field. Show that you know your stuff and that you would be a valuable employee. Read more...


Interview Do's and Dont's


  • Research the company and the position you’re applying for.
  • Research common interview questions and practice your answers.
  • Dress appropriately for the job you want, be neatly groomed, and dress relatively conservatively. Bring breath mints.


  • Rehearse your answers so much that you sound like you’re just reciting from memory.
  • Dress too casually, too flamboyantly or in revealing clothing.
  • Arrive smelling (too much perfume, cigarette smoke, etc.).

General Interview Questions
How to Answer the 31 Most Common Interview Questions (The Muse)
While we unfortunately can't read minds, we'll give you the next best thing: a list of the 31 most commonly asked interview questions and answers. Read more...

How To Ace The 50 Most Common Interview Questions (Forbes)
Glassdoor sifted through tens of thousands of interview reviews to find the 50 most common questions. Read more...

100 top job interview questions—be prepared for the interview (Monster)
Interview questions can run the gamut. It's unlikely you'll face all 100 of these, but you should still be prepared to answer at least some of them. Read more...

After the Interview
Within 48 hours of a job interview, it is crucial to send the interviewer(s) a letter expressing your sincere appreciation as well as your interest in the position. You may express why you think you are a good match for the position and outline your excellent candidacy by briefly discussing your qualities and skills. Include something specific that was discussed during the interview. Thank you letters can be handwritten on stationary, typed in a professional format, or sent via email. Keep in mind that if they indicate at your interview that they are making a decision in the next few days, an email may be the best method for sending your letter to ensure they receive it before they make their decision. 

Dos and Don'ts for a successful job interview graphic

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