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Early Childhood Education

Databases for Early Childhood Education

CREDO Reference

CREDO Reference

Credo Reference is a perfect starting point for creating research projects, writing topic papers and essays and conducting general research. It contains hundreds of subject-specific encyclopedias, biographies, chronologies, and dictionaries. Credo's technology allows you to quickly connect to relevant, citable and trusted resources.  It also cross references NC LIVE articles and the library catalog. Type keywords or topics into the search box below to get started.

Education Database

Education Database

Education Database supports the study and application of education across all levels of education, including early childhood education, primary and secondary education, and higher education. The database supports global study and research, including thousands of full-text journals, dissertations and other relevant sources.

Educator's Reference Complete

Educator's Reference Complete

Educator's Reference Complete seeks to provide full text for titles in the Eric database and covers multiple levels of education from preschool to college, and every educational specialty—such as technology, bilingual education, health education, and testing. It also provides insight on issues in administration, funding, and policy

NoveList Plus

NoveList Plus

A readers’ advisory resource that uses appeal factors and expert reviews to offer read-alike and listen-alike recommendations for fiction, nonfiction, and audiobooks.

Family Health Database

Family Health Database

Magazines and journals covering consumer health topics, such as sports injuries, women's health, food and nutrition, midwifery, eye care and dentistry.

Opposing Viewpoints

Opposing Viewpoints

Opposing Viewpoints covers today’s most important social issues, from offshore drilling to climate change, health care to immigration. This online resource helps students research, analyze and organize a broad variety of data for conducting research, completing writing assignments, preparing for debates, and creating presentations. Type keywords or topics into the search box below to get started.

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