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Genealogy Resources: Home

LibGuide for Genealogy Seminar.

Getting Started

What to bring to an interview

  • Questionnaire
  • Paper, pencil/pens, or tablet/laptop
  • Family group sheets and/or pedigree chart
  • Camera, tablet, cellphone, or portable scanner to digitize documents and photographs (obtain permission first, and get a release form signed if you plan to use any of it for publication)
  • Recording device such as voice recorder/camcorder/cellphone. (Ask permission before using.)


After the interview process

What's next?

Make sure to organize all the information right away.

Save all your research in several places--make sure to digitize it as well.

Keep a record of who and where you've search for information.

Create a to-do list.


Image of Teresa Ortega

Teresa Ortega, LTA
Email me!
(910) 938-6147

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