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Literary Criticism Resources

Literature Databases

Using Filters

  • Full Text: access to the entire article or document 
  • Peer-Reviewed: articles that have been reviewed by professionals in the field of literature (i.e. Shakespearean experts, Tolkien experts)
  • Scholarly: published in a scholarly journal, well researched 
  • Publication date: not necessary for literature unless you are looking for something within a certain date or period

Literary Criticism Research Guide


This Research Guide was created to help you find resources for literature based assignments. Sources below are also linked from the library's main website. 

Find books in the library! 

PR: English Literature

PS: American Literature 


Library Catalog



video tutorial from YouTube on how to navigate Bloom's Literature

VIDEO: how to navigate Bloom's Literature database

Gale Literary Resources Database to find articles, reference material and criticisms

VIDEO: how to navigate Gale Literary Sources

how to navigate ebook central database

VIDEO: How to navigate eBook Central

video tutorial for MLA formatting

VIDEO: How to MLA format

video tutorial on how to navigate literature criticism online

VIDEO: Literature Criticism Online

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