The Writer’s Center is on the second floor of the LRC in room 225.
Daytime Hours: Monday-Friday 9AM - 3PMA research guide is a pathway to information and relevant resources curated by librarians for faculty and student use. All resources on this page are available through Coastal Carolina Community College's library unless otherwise stated.
Found a book or article online but the library doesn't have it? Let us know--many resources are available to the library through Interlibrary Loan.
Films on Demand
The library has unlimited access to acclaimed documentaries, award-winning educational films, and helpful instructional videos!
NC LIVE is typically your best bet for finding academic research! It offers journal articles and research material in most major academic subjects.
Search for eBooks on eBook Central
Use ebook Central to search among a large selection of books across many different subjects, including cultural and historical.
What is Hoopla?
Hoopla is a digital media service that is available to Coastal students, faculty and staff. You can instantly borrow up to 10 titles each month using your phone, tablet, or computer.
This tool will allow you to conjugate spanish verb infinitives. It is ideal for studying as well as completing high school and college spanish class assignments.
This conjugation trainer helps students to practice conjugating verbs in Spanish; choose the tense and words you would like to practice.
Spanish-English Dictionary and Translator
Practice Spanish in just 5 minutes a day with our game-like lessons.