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HIS 131

Civil War Museum Project

Research Tips: Books

Research using books can be much easier than you would think! 

Remember to use the Table of Contents and Index to quickly locate the information you are looking for. 

The books to the right have been hand-selected for this research guide. They are available for check-out in the Coastal Library. 


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Use this search bar to discover our many books on food and dining. Use your library barcode and pin to place holds on items. 

Dogwood Digital Library

Women's Work in the Civil War
Memoirs of Union's three Great Generals
The Gettysburg Address
The Emancipation Proclamation
Lincoln's Writing Vol. 1
The Underground Railroad

Books in the Library

American Civil War Primary Sources
African American Women during the Civil War
She Went to the Field
Black Soldier in the Civil War
They fought like demons, Women soldiers in the civil war
Remembering North Carolina's Confederates
Who Freed the Slaves: Fight Over the 13th Amendment
The American Civil War : a hands-on history

eBooks on eBook Central

Search for eBooks on eBook Central


Use ebook Central to quickly and easily find relevant eBooks and chapters; read online; search within the eBook; and highlight, take notes and bookmark pages in your online copy, stored on your bookshelf for you. You can also share your research with others, download eBooks and chapters to your laptop or mobile device, and more.





What is Hoopla?
Hoopla is a digital media service that is available to Coastal students, faculty and staff. You can instantly borrow up to 10 titles each month using your phone, tablet, or computer. 

        The U.S. Civil War                                                        



                        Life As a Soldier in the Civil War                          

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