ARTSTOR: Browse images, maps, artwork, and other primary source documents from U.S. History from 1491 to present day, organized by time period and key historical concepts.
Sam Houston State University: U.S. History Primary Sources
National Humanities Center: Toolbox Library: Primary Sources
Library of Congress: Primary Source Sets
Digital Public Library of America: Discover 33,513,624 images, texts, videos and sounds from the US
Early American History: Ben Franklin's World
1. Google search is a great way to begin! Type in your topic and "artifacts"
2. Does your book have primary documents? YES! Look at the end of each chapter for written primary documents and check for images that might count towards primary documents or artifacts.
Perseus Digital Library: A collection of 500 primary and secondary sources on ancient Greece and Rome | Penn Museum: Digital Penn Museum, the one stop portal for the vast range of digital content offered by the University of Pennsylvania Museum of Archeology and Anthropology! |
Yale Peabody Museum: explore more than five million specimens and objects currently cataloged in our collections. In a Basic Search you can enter one or more keywords and use quotes to indicate exact terms. You can also narrow results by subject matter | Yale Digital Content: Search nearly 2 million items and half a million images from Yale's Digital Content. |
Beinecke Rare Books & Manuscript Library:
The Beinecke Rare Book & Manuscript Library has digitized approximately one million images of collection material, with new images added regularly. Particular strengths of the Beinecke Library’s digitized collection materials include medieval manuscripts, portions of the James Weldon Johnson Collections, and papyri, though virtually all aspects of the collections are represented to some degree in the digital library. |
ARTSTOR: European History Collection: Browse primary documents from European history, 1450 CE to Present Day, organized by time period and concept. |
Docs Teach: Browse by era | Avalon Project: Documents on law, history and diplomacy from ancient times to 21st Century. Curated from Yale University. |
Cambridge Digital Library: Judaism, Islam, Christianity and Buddhism. Cambridge University Library has built a vast collection over the past six centuries, with an extraordinary accumulation of books, maps, manuscripts and journals. | World Digital Library: Explore this online resource by topic, place, time period, or type of item. Search 19,147 items about 193 countries between 8000 BCE and 2000. Narrow results using the filter on the left side. |
Digital Bodleian: Bodleian Libraries of Oxford University; visitors can either search all collections at once, or use filters to limit searches to specific groups of materials. | British History Online: A digital library of key printed primary and secondary sources for the history of Britain and Ireland, with a primary focus on the period between 1300 and 1800. We aim to support the learning, teaching and research of our users from around the world. |
Old Maps Online: Gateway for historical maps in libraries around the world, currently indexes more than half a million of ancient, antique, vintage and old historic maps from prominent archives and libraries, including the British Library, the National Library of Scotland, and the David Rumsey Historical Map Collection. | Rome Reborn: A digital model of Rome’s development from its earliest settlement until its decline (c. 552 C.E.). Rome Reborn has gathered myriad archeological data from excavations, inscriptions, and literary sources, as well as quantitative data about building types throughout the fourteen regions of the city. All of this data has been collected in order to reconstruct the city as accurately as possible through 3D images and modeling. |
Some credit to: West Sound Academy: World IB School guide at
Think about what types of primary sources might have been produced that would be relevant to your topic and to the time period; think also about which persons or organizations might have produced materials. Some possible types of sources:
Magazine and Newspaper Articles
Diaries and Journals
Government Documents
Gather the information you have about your topic and consider what you still need to know before you start researching. Finding Background Information
Reference works and secondary sources can help you find background information on your topic.
Credo Reference is a perfect starting point for creating research projects, writing topic papers and essays and conducting general research. It contains hundreds of subject-specific encyclopedias, biographies, chronologies, and dictionaries. It also cross references NC LIVE articles and the library catalog.
Provides balanced coverage of events in world history with relevant articles updated daily - both current thinking and established scholarly work
World History In Context reaches back to the ancient world and forward to today's headlines to deliver a chronicle of the great cultures and societies that have formed the history of the human race. Rare primary sources, reliable reference and multi-media content put this vast topic into context for students. Content is aligned with state and national curriculum standards and is cross searchable with U.S. History In Context.