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Primary and Secondary Sources: Contemporary History


Video Sources

Books on Contemporary History

Finding books on contemporary history varies greatly!

Use the library catalog to find a book OR use the Library of Congress call number system to narrow your search and come browse. 

B: Psychology and Religion

E-F: History of America

G: Geography

H: Social Sciences (like social media)

J: Political Sciences

K: Law (and crime)

L: Education

M: Music (like Michael Jackson)

Q: Science

T: Technology

U: Military 


Primary Sources

Primary sources for contemporary historical topics, events, or people are the same as primary sources for older topics; however, it might be more challenging to think of something. Here are some examples: 

  • OJ Simpson trial: a document could be pictures of evidence or court testimony 
  • Barack Obama as the first African American President: speeches, pictures, letters, laws
  • Zodiac Killer: news articles, letters, images, police proceedings
  • WiFi and the internet: news articles, documents, interviews with creators

Finding Primary Documents: 

Find sets on the following topics: 

  • AIDS Crisis
  • Equal Rights Amendment
  • Stonewall and Gay Liberation Movement