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COM 231: Beck

This research guide will present you with all of the research tools you need to complete assignments for Dr. Beck's COM 231 class.

The Assignment

Suggested Search Terms

Having a hard time finding articles? Consider adding one of these terms to your search. Search for [your topic] AND:

  • Advantages
  • Benefits
  • Change
  • Crimes Against
  • Disadvantages
  • Ethics
  • Health Aspects
  • Interviews
  • (Laws or Regulations)
  • Personal Narratives
  • Political Aspects
  • Psychological aspects
  • Public Opinion
  • Reform
  • Religious Aspects
  • Social Policy
  • Study
  • Statistics
  • Statistical Data
  • Solution

The Informative Speech


For this assignment, you will prepare a speech that persuades your audience about a topic of your choosing; your goal is to increase your audience's awareness about and understanding of this topic, in order to convince them to agree with your side of an argument. The information you present should be offered in such a way that you are convincing the audience to adhere to your particular point of view. You will need to include outside research and a digital presentation in your speech. 

There are several information areas you might want to consider for your speech, which may include (but are not limited to): political, economic, social, or technological issues. 

Library Databases for Pro/Con Research

Issues & Controversies

Issues & Controversies

Issues and Controversies explores more than 800 hot topics in business, politics, government, education, and popular culture. This database is great for research papers and debate preparation.

Opposing Viewpoints

Opposing Viewpoints

Opposing Viewpoints collects articles and argumentative essays on a wide variety of current topics and controversial issues. This can be a great source to consult for any contested issue in the sciences, such as global warming or stem cell research.

CQ Researcher

CQ Researcher

CQ Researcher provides award winning in-depth coverage of the most important issues of the day. Our reports are written by experienced journalists, footnoted and professionally fact-checked. 

SIRS Researcher

SIRS Researcher

This database provides relevant, credible information on social issues, science, history, government, and the arts and humanities. Overview provided by ProQuest.

Library Databases for Background and Statistics

CREDO Reference

CREDO Reference

Background and Reference information; an excellent starting point for all research. 


Statista: Statistics & Demographics

Millions of statistics with charts and graphs. 

Statistical Abstract of the U.S.

The authoritative and comprehensive summary of statistics on the social, political and economic conditions of the United States.

eBook Central

Authoritative and scholarly eBooks.

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