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ENG 112: Writing in the Discipline

Scholarly Sources

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Keyword Help

Landing on the appropriate keyword will unlock the best sources.

Here are some starter words: 

[career of choice] and issues

[career] and problems

[career] and dynamics

[career] and [problem you know of]

[career] and trends

[career] and issues


General Search

Use the following box to search across 100+ databases for scholarly sources!

Knowledge, Book, Library, Glasses, Textbook

View the Databases A to Z link

Select "Subject" filter on the right

View databases matched with a specific subject area like Nursing or Business. 

Find something you like?

Pay attention to publication titles in databases; you can search within a publication or browse titles in a publication. This will save you time. 

Example: [problems] and [librarian]  in ProQuest.

One publication title I notice:
Reference & User Services Quarterly 

I can click into this publication and search within for the rest of my sources!

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