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ENG 111: Dr Thomas

This guide is used for Dr. Thomas's ENG111 paper: Social Problems

Using a Reference Source: 
Provide the reader with relevant, objective background information on the general topic. 
Appropriate reference sources for this essay include an encyclopedia article from Credo or information from an official government document/webpage (e.g.

What section of the paper does this belong?
Introduction (or the "teaching" paragraph);
 you are educating your reader about the topic BUT SHOULD STOP SHORT OF GETTING INTO THE DEBATE/PROBLEM.

                Example: If your topic is gun control, you might discuss the history of gun ownership policy in the United States in your Introduction, but you would not want to get into the reasons you think gun control should or shouldn’t be expanded.

                   Best Source!



Click here to access Credo Reference through NC LIVE

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Filter: Limit the TYPE of result to Reference.

US Government Websites

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