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ENG 111: Dr Thomas

This guide is used for Dr. Thomas's ENG111 paper: Social Problems


Topic Choices

The essay 3 topic must be chosen from this list; the essay 3 thesis statement will be one of these statements with the blank filled in based on your position.

Advice for students: consider leaving the blank empty while you research. Your views may shift based on what you read!

Essay 3 List of Research Topics/Thesis Statements



The U.S. should ____________ physician-assisted suicide. 

  • legalize 

  • abolish 


The U.S. should ____________ capital punishment (i.e. the death penalty). 

  • legalize 

  • abolish 


Gun manufacturers _____________ be held legally and fiscally responsible for gun deaths. 

  • should 

  • should not 


Pharmaceutical companies _____________ be held legally and fiscally responsible for opioid overdose deaths. 

  • should 

  • should not 


Telecommunications companies ____________ be held legally and fiscally responsible for distracted driving deaths. 

  • should 

  • should not 



Government-run (and funded) health insurance __________. 

  • should cover everyone 

  • should be an option for everyone 

  • should be an option for some (explain who) 

  • should not be available to anyone 


The government __________ imprison nonviolent drug offenders. 

  • should 

  • should not 


First responders _________ be required to administer Narcan to individuals who have overdosed. 

  • should 

  • should not 


Medically-assisted treatment for drug and/or alcohol addiction ___________ be covered by health insurance or government funding. 

  • should 

  • should not 



The U.S. __________ deport anyone in the country illegally. 

  • should 

  • should not 


Children born in the U.S. to undocumented parents _________ be automatically granted American citizenship.  

  • should 

  • should not 



The United States __________ enact a wealth tax. 

  • should 

  • should not 


A universal basic income would give every adult a monthly payment from the federal government. The U.S. __________ consider a universal basic income. 

  • should 

  • should not 


Under an employment guarantee, every American would be entitled to a government job, if they want it. The U.S. __________ consider enacting a jobs guarantee. 

  • should 

  • should not 


The United States _____________ enforce a minimum wage. 

  • should 

  • should not 

The president __________ commit to stabilizing or lowering the national debt. 

  • should 

  • should not 


The government should make four years of college __________ for all families, including the wealthy. 

  • free 

  • debt-free 

  • affordable 


Student loan debt should be __________. 

  • canceled for everyone 

  • canceled for lower incomes 

  • reduced, but not outright canceled 

  • left alone 



If someone buys a gun, they __________. 

  • should have to register it 

  • should have to register it, if it’s an assault weapon 

  • should not have to register it 


Two states allow all individuals to vote from prison, and many states restrict voting for convicted felons after release. __________ should be able to vote. 

  • All prisoners 

  • All former prisoners 

  • Only some former prisoners 


The U.S. __________ eliminating the existing electoral college system in favor of the popular vote. 

  • should consider 

  • should not consider 


Business owners ____________ be able to refuse services based on religious beliefs. 

  • should 

  • should not 


The United States currently requires employers to provide 12 weeks of unpaid family leave, but no paid leave (under FMLA). The United States should guarantee _________________ family leave for workers. 

  • 12 weeks of unpaid (no change from current policy) 

  • 12 weeks of paid 

  • 6 weeks of paid and 6 weeks of unpaid 

  • 1 year, 12 weeks of which is paid 

  • 1 year of paid 

  • Choose your own combo 



The U.S. should __________ fracking. 

  • ban all 

  • limit or better regulate 

  • maintain current policy on 


The government should __________ nuclear power. 

  • expand 

  • pause the expansion of 

  • phase out 


The U.S. __________ consider setting a price on carbon emissions, such as with a carbon tax or cap-and-trade. 

  • should 

  • should not 



The use of body cameras by police officers ___________________. 

  • should be mandatory 

  • is not an effective solution to police brutality 


Police forces _______________ receive surplus military weapons and gear. 

  • should 

  • should not  


Government funds previously reserved solely for law enforcement agencies _______________ be reallocated to include social workers and other mental health professionals.  

  • should 

  • should not 


The police sometimes use things like tear gas and rubber bullets to control crowds during protests or riots. The use of these non-lethal measures ________________. 

  • is an appropriate and safe way for police to handle violent crowds 

  • demonstrates excessive force and should be outlawed 

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